Strategic 360s

Making feedback matter

Archive for March 21st, 2011

What is the ROI for 360’s?

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Tracy Maylett recently started a LinkedIn discussion in the 360 Feedback Surveys group by asking, “Can you show ROI on 360-degree feedback processes?” To date, no one has offered up any examples, and this causes me to reflect on this topic. It will also be part of our (Carol Jenkins and myself) discussion at the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP) Pre-Conference Workshop on 360 Feedback (April 13 in Chicago; see

Here are some thoughts on the challenges in demonstrating ROI with 360 processes:

1)      It is almost impossible to assess the value of behavior change. Whether we use actual measurements (e.g., test-retest) or just observer estimations of ratee change, assigning a dollar value is extremely difficult. My experience is that, no matter what methodology you use, the results are often large and cause consumers (e.g., senior management) to question and discount the findings.

2)      The targets for change are limited, by design. A commonly accepted best practice for 360’s is to guide participants in using the data to focus on 2-3 behaviors/competencies. If some overall measure of behavior change is used (e.g., the average of all items in the model/questionnaire), then we should expect negligible results since the vast majority of behaviors have not been addressed in the action planning (development) process.

3)      The diversity of behaviors/competencies will mean that they have differential ease of change (e.g., short vs. long term change) and different value to the organization. For example, what might be the ROI for significant change (positive or negative) in ethical behavior compared to communication? Each is very important but with very different implications for measuring ROI.

4)      Measurable change is dependent on design characteristics of each 360 process.  I have suggested in earlier blogs that there are design decisions that are potentially so powerful as to promote or negate behavior change. One source for that statement is the article by Goldsmith and Morgan called, “Leadership is a contact sport,” which can be found on  In this article  (that I have also mentioned before), they share results from hundreds of global companies and thousands of leaders that strongly support the conclusion that follow up with raters may be the single best predictor of observed behavior change.

Dale Rose and I have an article in press with the Journal of Business and Psychology titled, “When does 360-degree Feedback create behavior change?  And would we know it when it does?” One of our major objectives in that article is to challenge blanket statements about the effectiveness of 360 processes since there are so many factors that will directly impact the power of the system to create the desired outcomes. The article covers some of those design factors and the research (or lack thereof) associated with them.

If anyone says, for example, that a 360 process (or a cluster, such as in a meta analysis) shows minimal or no impact, my first question would be, “Were the participants required to follow up with their raters?” I would also ask about things like reliability of the instrument, training of raters, and accountability as a starter list of factors that can result in unsuccessful ability to cause and/or measure behavior change.

Tracy’s question regarding ROI is an excellent one, and we should be held accountable for producing results. That said, we should not be held accountable for ROI when the process has fatal flaws in design that almost certainly will result in failure and even negative ROI.

©2011 David W. Bracken